eiNote Press Kit

  • Product Name: eiNote
    Start date: 28 August 2021
    Product Tagline: Shape Your Web - Take notes on web pages in seconds
    Two line pitch: eiNote is a Chrome extension that allows Internet users to take notes on the fly right from any webpage. Just navigate the Internet as always, and when you find something valuable, eiNote it.
    Creator: Lorenzo Satta Chiris. 16 years old.

  • Key Points:

    • Started working on August 25, 2021.
    • Hundred of hours (literally) spent on market analysis. Studied tens of note-taking tools.
    • Worked directly with more than 100 beta testers and potential users before launching the product.
    • Find here the product roadmap
    • More than 16 000 lines of code written (all by me 😊).
    • Launched on March 7, 2022 on Product Hunt

    • eiNote is built for advanced research, google keep only for saving a link and some related words. google keep is more of a web clipper, eiNote is more than that.
    • eiNote provides more features and organization options than google keep.
    • google keep is backed by google, eiNote is backed by me and the community. We do not sell data.
    • google keep provides a mobile application. eiNote will, but for now is only accessible through the browser (even on mobile).
    • eiNote is at an early stage and provides bi-weekly updates.
    • You can move, resize and pin an embed eiNote. You can't with google keep.
    • On eiNote, the same note works on multiple pages. google keep notes don't .

    • Review Received:

      Muy interesante extensión. Si leen muchas noticias por día y necesitan un tracking, puede ser muy útil. Uso también Google Keep para ello, pero esta extensión tiene más opciones de formato y funcionalidades.
      Tranduction: Very interesting extension. If you read a lot of news per day and need tracking, it can be very useful. I also use Google Keep for this, but this extension has more formatting options and features.

  • Our vision is to make people achieve more in the new generation workplace, both professionally and as an individual.
    Our mission is to provide people with the tools to organize their web knowledge online.

    • Take notes directly on any webpage
    • Speech to text in 32+ languages
    • Link to a specific piece of text inside a page
    • Add screenshot of a page in one click
    • Add drawings to your page - take colors directly from it with a color picker
    • Listen to your note
    • Access note metrics (character, word and sentence count, reading and speaking time). More coming soon.
    • Download your notes in Doc, text, markdown and html
    • Share your notes via email in one click
    • Share your notes on social
    • Use plugins to make your note behave differently on certain web pages. Such as Youtube (inserting video) or Wikipedia (adding search tearm rather than link).
    • Add your notes to pages, drag, resize and pin them
    • Find all your notes in a centralized dashboard
    • Search among your notes by title, content, link, tag, or even date
    • Sort your notes
    • Access a link based dashboard
    • View all the notes related to various links
    • Organize your notes in folders
    • Organize your notes in subfolders
    • Use tags for cross-folder organization
    • Pin some notes to make them be sorted separately, at the top
    • Customize your eiNote experience from the settings
    • Work on multiple tabs inside of your eiNote editor

    • Coming soon:
    • Use a page summarizer to get the key points of an article directly in your note, even before reading it. Coming in the next version of eiNote.
    • Use a graph view to access your notes as a tree of knowledge. Currently under beta testing

  • Product Introduction (Marketing video):

    Product Tutorials:

    Other several videos can be found on the support page following my eiNote support series.

  • "As a writer, this has vastly improved my process. No more switching between tabs to find my document, just tap on eiNote and start writing. Love it" - writer, beta tester

    "This feels like magic, eiNote truly changed my whole note taking experience. It allows me to express my thought, while improving the quality of my work, while having fun! " - student, beta tester

    "Really Love the product, I was looking to take notes on my web browser and then I found this app. It is very useful for me as I can write notes and save in different folders and use on different devices.""

    "This is a gem that I love using because it's built with ultimate productivity in mind. No more constant opening of apps on different windows or switching through tabs to take notes. eiNote is my go-to note-taking application that's quick, efficient, and reliable (coz it also saves everything!) 😃 Everyone should use this! ✨"

  • Need additional help?