Meet The Future of Notes

How eiNote Works


Capture Notes

Take notes on-the-fly with eiNote, from any webpage.
Just navigate the internet as always,
And when you find something valuable, eiNote It.
Don't lose your precious ideas anymore!

Person from behing Writing Productive Notes on paper next  a Computer with our Tool



Now that you have 1, 10, 100 and counting notes,
You need a place to manage them all.
A place that feels as your personal piece of internet.
Just as our dashboard.

Person Pointing at an Organized board of Notes to Increase the Productivity of our Tool



Download, copy, print, share via email,
Or even listen to your notes!
Your voice deserves to be heard.
It's easy, it's eiNote.

Person using the Vocal (Voice) Notes features of our Tool on a microphone To Increse Productivity

Notable Features, Hidden Benefits

A Seamless Experience

This feels like magic, eiNote truly changed my whole note taking experience. It allows me to express my thought, while improving the quality of my work, while having fun!

Lupo Lovatelli - Student and future researcher

Ei, Note with us!